i think i mightve finally figured it out.

for the first months of my journey as a changeworker, i swore i’d never niche down.

“there are way too many interesting things about me,” i said. “there’s no way i could ever pick just one.”

maybe that was very october libra of me.

maybe it was my demand avoidance. see, since becoming a life coach, nearly every ad on every social media platform that i frequent has told me i HAVE to choose a niche or i’ll never find clients. it’s imperative. ill never be successful without it.

i’ll show you, you fucking bloodsucker. i’ll never do that.

until this last week or so. of course. right as the weather turned from “heat index of 115” to “it’s 72 degrees and sunny this morning” in the first week of september… it’s hit me like a sack of bricks.

its fear. it’s always been fear for me. and spooky season has REALLY brought that to the surface. as the veil thins, it’s so much easier to see what’s been hiding underneath the surface. and in hindsight, it seems SO OBVIOUS!

it feels so… me.

of course I love working with neurodivergent folks, teaching them how to make life work for them. i did it for myself, i can show them how to do it for them. of course i love doing relationship work, and tarot work, and helping people be more of themselves. it’s soul work.

but fear work? phobia taming? that’s what EXCITES ME. when i think of specializing in fear, my heart starts beating harder, faster. my skin tingles. it’s electrifying.

that is the type of life I want. electrifying, exciting, wholly satisfying.

and for my clients.. man, if youve ever felt the release of a life-gripping phobia, you know. you know how all-changing this is. there’s just no better feeling than the relief from the cold grasp of fear.

i want my career to feel like this! so this.. this is the path i’m going to follow for awhile.


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