the eternitarium

magic, shadow work, and real everyday life.

The Eternitarium is a community that focuses on shadow work and developing skills in witchcraft and magic. It is a place where you balance your inner and outer worlds. This community is hosted on Discord, with Patreon serving as the payment method + host for static content like workshops and recorded trances.

we take a neurodivergence- and queer-centering approach to these topics. The processes of shadow work and developing your craft are complex and highly individual to each person, and any member of this community will recognize, respect, and elevate your inherent divinity. None of our brains work the same way, so none of our magical and spiritual practices will, either. I show you how to figure yours out.

magic and shadow work directly benefit each other when practiced in tandem, and the resulting effects on your everyday life are nothing short of astounding.

led by lifelong self-taught witch, hypnotist, & life coach Eisley Hallows, this community fosters fulfilling and experiential development of your skills in a community who sees you and supports you, exactly as you are.

what is it?

the eternitarium is a community hosted on Discord, with two live calls each week focused on shadow work and witchcraft.

in the witchcraft calls, i’m teaching you how to develop your foundational skills AND the power that is unique to you specifically. think of these as part lesson, part magical tech support. whether you’re looking to move past candle and jar spells into the next phase of your craft, or exploring newly-found clairvoyance, or trying to figure out how to connect with spirits, you will find a lot of value in these calls.

in the shadow work calls, we collectively work on healing the parts of us that prevent us from realizing the extent of our true power (whether that’s magical, or like, handling the things happening in your everyday life.)

these are group calls within discord, and everyone who raises their hand will receive individual attention during the session. everyone who shows up benefits from your process. they are not recorded, though they are transcribed and call summaries are posted to Patreon.

outside of the calls, you can expect monthly rituals, Divination Days (where we all come together to practice our skills and divine for each other as a community),  and an ongoing conversation in almost any area related to magic or shadow work. You’re never alone, which is pretty awesome for this work, because your craft gets stronger when you learn alongside other people and have their support while you work on your own healing.

what’s up for discussion here?


animism – spellcrafting – working with spirits – discernment – divination – astrology – spiritual hygiene – divesting from appropriation – past lives – psychic development

shadow work

intuition or anxiety? – relationships – resolving the effects of trauma – re-consolidating memories – resolving phobias – removing shame

everyday life

joyful autistic magic – accommodating yourself – identifying your cycles – learning your strengths – get better sleep – make more art – moving beyond simply surviving

how do i sign up?

who am i? personally and professionally.

My name is Eisley Hallows, and I’m 31. I’ve been a witch since I was like 9 and saw the Hex Girls in that Scooby Doo movie. I’ve been working as a coach and hypnotist since March of 2023. I’m proudly certified through the International Association of Counselors and Therapists, which is an incredible organization full of holistic practitioners like me, and the Ethical Coaching Collective.  

I learned witchcraft through trial and error (or, honestly, fucking around and finding out). I am not initiated into any tradition. I figured things out through the help of the internet and books for a while before turning inward and finding that my craft is so much more powerful and potent when I use the innate knowledge of my unconscious mind and my own life experiences. There have been a ton of iterations of what my craft has looked like over the years, and not all of it has been pretty. But I’ve learned from every single step I’ve taken, and have mentored dozens of people in their craft along the way. My beliefs are rooted in community, compassion, and genuine love for everybody and everything around me. 

I am a mother of four beautiful children, and I am gay married to my trans wife who I’ve been with since I was 13 years old. I’m a nonbinary lesbian, and my pronouns are they/she. I was diagnosed in my late 20s with ADHD and autism, and honestly, like, that explains a lot about me. I’ve always insisted on marching to my own drummer and doing things in my own way. I’m really good at finding my own rhythms, and can help you find yours too- i can take a look at any situation you’re feeling stuck in and figure out where the gears are grinding. 

I’m a Libra sun, Capricorn moon, Leo rising. A human design projector. When I was in 2nd grade, I got 2nd place in a hula hooping competition even though it kept falling down because I kept picking it up and trying over and over again. I never grew out of my goth phase. I have a favorite brand of pencil. And I am always in your corner. 

I spent the first 10 years of my adult life in a deep, dark depression. It is very hazy. I got out of it through the help of hypnosis and deep, transformative shadow work. I reject the notion that people going through hard shit shouldn’t do shadow work– but I do believe it should be done with support & community, and never alone. Through shadow work, I expanded my capacity to handle all of what life has to offer. That, in turn, expanded my power in my craft, which directly and immediately showed tangible results in my everyday life. That is why I put all of this together in one place. Through my hands-on, lived experience, I felt the power of doing this work together. And I want everyone to feel it.

what’s my magic?

I thrive in the spaces-in-between. I can reach into the liminal and pull out whatever I need, whether that’s information, resources, or a way to be made for me to get it. I access my magic most effectively through trance, daydreaming, and hanging out in that moment RIGHT before I wake up for as long as I can. In fact, this whole community started out as a daydream, and I wasn’t able to build it until I went back to this place over and over and over to scope it out. To me, The Eternitarium exists in a sort of pocket dimension all on its own. It very much exists in our world, but it’s a specific place all in itself.

I am a skilled diviner and professionally read tarot for about 7 years before I expanded into changework and hypnosis. Magic, dreams, and hypnosis all speak the same language, and my biggest goal is to teach this language to you. 

Some folks call me a hedge witch. Some say psychic. Others call me lucky. But when it comes down to the very basics, I am an animist, I work with spirits, and my main tools are trance and divination. It took me a long time to get there, and I’m excited to help you chart the path to your fulfilling craft.

what do clients have to say about me?

Working with Eisley has helped provide me with valuable insights about who I am as a person and gain clarity on next steps I need to take. They have helped me to process challenging family dynamics and given me techniques that I can use to help myself feel more regulated and clear mentally and emotionally. Happy to continue working with Eisley and I would highly recommend it to anyone who is looking to make changes in their life! – KM

I have struggled with imposter syndrome and severe anxiety for YEARS. One session with Eisley was powerful enough to help make it far more manageable and easier to overcome. I am confident that a few more sessions with her would help me overcome it completely. She is an amazing listener and helped put pieces together that I didn’t even realize could be connected. – Nyxie, AEMT

I had heard that their work was transformative and empowering, but I never expected that to be such an understatement of what it truly is. I have been in therapy on and off for my entire adult life, and consistently for the last 6 years, but the sessions with Eisley opened doors I had long forgotten. They brought light to core issues that were still holding me back, and some of the narratives I thought I had overcome were very much still there, just hidden in the shadows. Since then, I have been able to start the healing process with my therapist and break habits I never thought were possible. I have grown closer to my kids and husband, in ways I never could have imagined. The investment in Eisley’s work is worth it by 100-fold. If you’re looking for a truly transformative and enlightening experience, I highly recommend any of Eisley’s services. I promise you won’t regret it! – Stormy

I feel like you’re Morpheus and I’m Neo right now – R.

I had two amazing readings with Eisley. The Celtic cross one in particular was *so* detailed I am still processing it. She weaves her intuition together with the cards to give a reading that feels very personal and she provides lots of detail on the cards individually and how they play together. I felt so reassured after. – Lynn Rogala

I’ve been working with Eisley for some time with coaching, tarot and shadow work. She recently changed my entire life with my fear of driving so I wanted to take it a step further and ask for her help in changing my debilitating and multi-generational fear of sickness. During our session we discovered that so, so much of this anxiety of sickness was not only related to my mom and my mother wound, but how I was cared for (and not) when I was sick. We worked through reparenting those sad and lonely parts of me, bringing in support and healing to those memories. I gradually felt that vice grip of anxiety melt away! The other day, my daughter complained of another stomach ache. I had a whisper of anxiety but then realized… For the first time ever, I’m not crippled with fear when it comes to sickness and I have Eisley to thank for that! The cycle of fear and anxiety is ending with me! – Bekka Craig, owner of Amethyst + Ember

Eisley is wonderful. She is attentive and incredibly perceptive, and can hone in on important details you may not initially think to be all that important. During our session, the container she held was imbued with the utmost care and compassion. If you get the chance to have a session with Eisley, do it! – S.

Working with Eisley is a dream come true, y’all. Not only are they intelligent, well-read, and well-informed, but they can adapt on the fly to whatever challenge you thought you had versus the one that you may utter into existence. They are an active listener and truly deeply attuned and engaged when they’re working with you. You are their sole focus with such gentleness and empathy. Whatever challenge you may have, I highly suggest working with Eisley. The results they lead you to are tangible, quick, and effective! – Dr. M. Macheret, Lecturer

ready to join the community?