Category: exploring the mind
on executive function
i have to do the thing. i know i have to do the thing. i am the only one who can do the thing. i WANT to do the thing. doing the thing is the only thing i can think about. i have a lot of anxiety about not doing the thing. so why can’t…
practice until you can’t get it wrong.
when we are stressed, that’s like, prime time for old habits to make themselves known again. in times of trouble, we fall back on to the familiar. when i am stressed, my body hurts all over. i am exhausted. i lay in bed as much as i can and try to ignore whatever exists outside…
i thought i didn’t care, evidence points to the contrary
something i’ve noticed over the first week of blogging every day… i’ve recently been of the mind that i really don’t care what other people think i should be doing. but in writing these posts, something that keeps coming up is that i don’t feel like i am “allowed” to do or enjoy certain things.…
on existing while fat
a couple months back, i had a realization i’m honestly still coming to terms with. for so long, my unconscious belief was that you can’t be fat and pretty at the same time. and, i’ve always seen myself as pretty, so by extension i’ve never seen myself as fat. obviously, that is not true and…
i think the new moon brings out the best in me.
the new moon seems to connect me to that line better than any other lunar phase. maybe it’s a shadow thing. not sure, but i dig it. sometimes when i sit down to write, like today, i have no idea what the finished piece is going to look like. but, it happens all the same.…
life is forever building upon itself.
sometime within the last four years or so, i was taking a shower while my wife sat in the bathroom with me, and we were talking, nothing but the shower curtain between us. we do this a lot. i value my alone time, but when taking a shower, there’s something really special about this time…